Coming SOON to a bookstore near you…

This video doesn’t exist

Great Gals: Inspired Ideas for Kicking a Kick-Ass Life is due out in a mere 6 weeks!  Woohoo!

Here’s the new TRAILER I made with music by yours truly! Can you dig?

8 thoughts on “Coming SOON to a bookstore near you…

  1. That was amazing and wildly inspiring Summer! I can’t wait for next book – I loved, loved, loved The Artist in the Office. Thanks for dreaming a little for the rest of us, and keep up the great work 🙂

  2. Wow Summer, that was beautiful!!! Had to listen/watch twice to hear the music (which was incredibly moving) and look at those stunning faces. I’m so excited for the book.

    Thanks for a moment of inspiration this morning.

  3. I came across “The Artist in the Office” by chance in the bookstore and devoured it cover to cover it before I even purchased it. I was captivated with every turn of the page, finding exactly what I needed to help channel some much-needed motivation to my passion/hobbies (art and writing), while discovering ideas for coping with my “day job”. I look forward to receiving my copy of “Great Gals” and discovering more ways to live an inspired, kick-ass life!

  4. Hey Summer! What a great trailer. I will pre-order my copy ASAP. Someday YOU will be in a “Great Gals” book. You’re already an inspiration to ME! Congrats & good luck. All my best to you & your G-men.

    Mare Freeborn

  5. This is so many different types of AWESOME Summer. I’m totally digging your music – I love that folk vibe and it works really well with your images and words. Lovely!

  6. Summer – Good going again, Great Gal! I loved your music – waaay better I’m sure than whoever you had on there before. I loved the “Artist in the Office” – which I read while standing place for well over an hour right after I opened my shipment. Even though I had a million other things to do, I couldn’t resist the compelling urge to turn each page, discover vulnerability I could personally relate to, and find truth and humor that was meant for me. Now I get to get Great GAls,! after years of enjoying your self-published GG Calendars and giving them as gifts, I can hardly wait! Yay, YOU!

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